الأحد، 17 مارس 2013
Continuing Education and a High School Diploma
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Continuing Education and a High School Diploma
It happens all the time. A young person drops out of high school, and at first, doesn't regret the decision. But as the
years go by and more and more people progress into better paying jobs, this person feels left behind. Continuing education
lets you make up for lost time.
Consider these facts. People who do not have a high school diploma are more likely to be unemployed. That's not surprising
since many jobs these days require that you've graduated high school. By exploring continuing education options and receiving
your diploma or passing the GED, you'll not only earn more money, you also will have more job opportunities.
So where should you start? Well, if you're only a few classes short of graduating, you can take these classes to make up for
what you missed. Many cities and school districts offer continuing education classes that can help you make up missed classes
in a very short time. Start by contacting the high school you attended. Get a copy of your transcript and find out what you
need to do in order to receive your diploma.
Another option used by many people is the GED. The GED, which stands for General Educational Development, is a five-part
test administered to verify that you have high-school level academic skills. The tests include Social Studies, Writing,
Reading, Mathematics, and Science. When many people think of continuing education, they think of the GED. For this reason,
you can find many resources to help you pass this test.
To prepare for the GED, you can take preparation classes, either online or in person. You also can take telecourses, courses
by mail, or use preparation books and videos. The GED has one of the most diverse continuing education offerings, with many
options available in most major cities.
If you want to go beyond high school and are curious about continuing education options, some colleges offer programs where
you can finish high school while at the same time taking some college classes. Many community colleges offer these programs.
Contact your local campus and find out what the requirements are.
When it comes to continuing education choices, you need to decide what works best for you. What can you fit into your
schedule? How best do you learn? You don't want to get discouraged and give up. Many people find it difficult to master
some of the material necessary to pass the GED. You many find it is easier to learn this material if you take a traditional
face-to-face class with an instructor. Not only will you be able to ask questions, but many people find it is easier to
learn when they are surrounded by other students.
The main point of continuing education is to help you have a better, more fulfilled life. To do that, you need to make a
commitment to yourself and your future. The opportunities are out there. You just need to make up your mind to go after
It happens all the time. A young person drops out of high school, and at first, doesn't regret the decision. But as the
years go by and more and more people progress into better paying jobs, this person feels left behind. Continuing education
lets you make up for lost time.
Consider these facts. People who do not have a high school diploma are more likely to be unemployed. That's not surprising
since many jobs these days require that you've graduated high school. By exploring continuing education options and receiving
your diploma or passing the GED, you'll not only earn more money, you also will have more job opportunities.
So where should you start? Well, if you're only a few classes short of graduating, you can take these classes to make up for
what you missed. Many cities and school districts offer continuing education classes that can help you make up missed classes
in a very short time. Start by contacting the high school you attended. Get a copy of your transcript and find out what you
need to do in order to receive your diploma.
Another option used by many people is the GED. The GED, which stands for General Educational Development, is a five-part
test administered to verify that you have high-school level academic skills. The tests include Social Studies, Writing,
Reading, Mathematics, and Science. When many people think of continuing education, they think of the GED. For this reason,
you can find many resources to help you pass this test.
To prepare for the GED, you can take preparation classes, either online or in person. You also can take telecourses, courses
by mail, or use preparation books and videos. The GED has one of the most diverse continuing education offerings, with many
options available in most major cities.
If you want to go beyond high school and are curious about continuing education options, some colleges offer programs where
you can finish high school while at the same time taking some college classes. Many community colleges offer these programs.
Contact your local campus and find out what the requirements are.
When it comes to continuing education choices, you need to decide what works best for you. What can you fit into your
schedule? How best do you learn? You don't want to get discouraged and give up. Many people find it difficult to master
some of the material necessary to pass the GED. You many find it is easier to learn this material if you take a traditional
face-to-face class with an instructor. Not only will you be able to ask questions, but many people find it is easier to
learn when they are surrounded by other students.
The main point of continuing education is to help you have a better, more fulfilled life. To do that, you need to make a
commitment to yourself and your future. The opportunities are out there. You just need to make up your mind to go after